After my return from ICAST, I became very ill. No appetite. Dropped about 20 pounds, and for those of you that know me personally, I don't have 20 lbs to loose. Energy level dropped to zero and I literally thought I was dying. Then my distance vision went south and a trip to the eye doctor showed a cataract that had to come out. But that is later on so I won't ramble on it right now. lol
Well, I have had just about every medical test known and still do not have an answer as to what caused my weight loss and all of the other symptoms I had. What I did do was take two of Terry's laxatives and after that I felt better. Makes you wonder doesn't it. lol Spent around 2k on test, when I could have been cured for 2.95. Appetite has improved, I'm back at work, and my energy is slowly coming back. This is why you haven't seem much from me over the last few months. I'm very anxious to get back on the water doing what I love and that's BASS FISHING!
The cataract surgery was a success and right now I do not have to wear glasses but to read. Let me tell you to take good care of your eyes. Glaucoma took my right eye back in 1986 and I have done all I do with just my left since them. Go see your optometrist at least once a year and make sure they check the pressure in your eyes. Anything over twenty needs attention. Medical science has vastly improved over the cataract surgery as they didn't even put me out during the operation. No stitches, no pain and best of all I can see again.
Well, I've gone on long enough and like I said, I'm looking to be back in the swing of things soon so stay tuned. Good luck and good fishing!
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